Monday 25 July 2016

Globalisation theory

Internationalist theoretical perspectives best describe the globalization in the world today.

                                    Barry Gilheany ©

This essay engages with the essentially contested phenomenon of globalization in the domains of culture, politics and economics.  It examines the merits of a number of theoretical approaches to globalization with particular emphasis on internationalist perspectives.  The essay describes and critiques  internationalist perspectives and compare them to others.  It concludes by endorsing internationalism fused to social constructivist insights.

Globalization is the subject of intense debate amongst social scientists concerning definition, meaning, measurement, chronology, explanation and impact.  It is a multi-dimensional process which relates to the totality of social relations: cultural, economic, political, social and environmental.  It is not reducible to one single process, as if ‘it’ could be explained from an Archimedean standpoint (Ritzer, ed. 2007).  Rather it consists of two major directional tendencies: increasing global connectivity and increasing global consciousness and the dimensions just mentioned are heavily intertwined. (Ritzer, Ed: p.64).

To give a brief account of the operation of globalization, it is generally accepted that it consists of four main elements: stretched social relation across nation state boundaries and involving  transcontinental and inter-regional relations which extend across the globe e.g. environmental degradation; intensification of flows or increased  density of interaction around the world causing greater global impact of events such as famine, war and earthquakes; increasing interpenetration between apparently distant cultures and societies as for example in the ‘outflow’ of US/Western cultural products such as Coca Cola and Hollywood but also the ‘return’ flows  to the West of the Latin American soap operas telenovelas and music from Africa and the creation of a global institutional infrastructure enabling globalized networks to operate e.g. international organisations like the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation, networks of cities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) (Held, ed. 2004).

The mainstream literature on globalization usually categorises three different views on
it: Globalists, Inter-nationalists and Transformationalists.  I believe that a fourth
approach has much to teach students of globalization: that of constructivism.
 Briefly, globalists believe globalization is an inevitable development to which
resistance by traditional political actors such as the nation-state is futile.  The world wide
expansion of market forces and in information and communications technology will
 eventually bypass the state and increased inter-connectedness will lead to a more
homogenous global village.  “Positive Globalists” view globalization as beneficial as
 ‘rising tides will raise all boats” meaning that it will improve the quotidian of humanity’s
prosperity and potential.  Neo-liberal proponents of this view propound a particularly
positive narrative of globalization (Ritzer, ed.:pp.67-83).  On the other hand,
“Pessimistic Globalists” tell a story of globalization as the driver of dominant  economic
 and political interests and of the erosion of national identities and sovereignty.
Prominent in these are accounts of “Americanisation” from the Left
 (Held & McGrew, 2007) but also laments from the populist Right about the
 effects of large-scale migration to Europe.

Transformationalists recognize the significance of globalization but do not accept the
inevitability of its impact as the state remains a powerful actor but its scope to act is
constrained by unaccountable global forces.  They call for an accountable and
democratic modes of global governance to address this democratic deficit.  “Inter-
nationalists” argue that the globalization process can be traced back to at least the 19th
century, that most economic and social activity is regional rather than global and that
regional actors derive benefit from globalization.  Furthermore the state retains its
legitimacy and military capacities on the world stage. (Held. Ed: pp.135 – 142).  Lastly,
social constructivism allows a critical view of many of the seemingly immutability of
many globalization discourses and emphasizes the possibility of change rather than the
inevitability of global processes.

As this essay asks us to focus on internationalist perspectives on globalization, it is
necessary to site internationalism in wider debates within International Relations theory. 
Classical internationalism is premised upon a depiction of the sovereign state as not
 only a still viable form of human community, but that remains more an aspiration than a
reality for millions of people and whose dissolution is greeted with foreboding by millions
more. (Iraq post 2003 invasion may be a case in point). (Lawler, 2005).  Three distinct
strands of contemporary internationalism can be identified: liberal internationalism,
 reform internationalism and radical internationalism.

The current world system is based on the geo-political understanding of the nation-
state established by the Treaty of Westphalia (1648).  Within this world of sovereign,
territorially defined states, there is no superior authority above the state and law
 making and enforcement are largely the functions of individual states.  States are
equal before the law and, above all, foreign powers should not interfere in the
internal affairs of other states (Held, ed.: p.131).

However global politics is no longer concerned only with security but with a large
range of socio-economic and environmental issues such as climate change, drugs,
organized crime and human rights which transcend national jurisdictions and require
international cooperation for their solution.  A global polity of sorts has emerged with a
suprastate layer of global agencies such the UN, IMF, World Bank and WTO and
regional regulatory schemes such as the EU and NAFTA; a transnational layer of
transnational civil society organisations such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace and
 World Wildlife Fund and a substate layer of governance involving devolution from
central to the subsidiary or local level with local municipalities taking on cross frontier initiatives on economic cooperation and crime control.

In response to the question of in whose interests this system of global governance
 works in aid of, Inter-nationalists assert that we are living in an era of global
governance.  They emphasise the critical importance of the dominant powers in shaping
the contours of global governance, viewing the US as the main actor having emerged
from the Cold War as the sole superpower with the capacity to determine outcomes in
its own interests.  However superpowers do not directly control the institutions of global
governance.  Rather they do it through “hegemonic governance”; their capacity to veto
and bypass international bodies such as the UN enables them to wield huge sway over
the management of global affairs as the US did in going to war in Iraq in 2003 and the
Russia did in preventing no-fly zones in the current civil war in Syria.

Internationalist perspectives on globalization are best viewed through the prism of the
Good State.  At a minimum the Good State is simply a state committed to moral
purposes beyond itself, to a robust internationalism in its foreign policy.  By
Internationalism is meant a philosophy of foreign policy constructed around an ethical
Obligation on the part of states actively to pursue authentically other-regarding values
and interests.  In other words, the Good State is an idea that takes seriously the
ascription of moral responsibilities such as the state (Lawler, 2005: pp.441-42).  The
internationalization of the state was evident at the 1998 G8 Birmingham Summit where
the G8 leaders agreed to an action plan to coordinate their national programmes with
respect to drug trafficking and organised crime which was followed by the
announcement at the UN General Assembly of a new war on illicit drugs.  The
internationalization of the state is also evident by the international offices attached to
almost every Whitehall department which deal directly with their counterparts
in foreign governments.

Globalists do not see this hegemonic process as something related to the US or any
other powerful state but to global corporate capital which has managed to form a new
capitalist global order.  According to this account, the institutions of global governance
such as the IMF and World Bank and the apparatus of nation-states are in essence
used by corporate capital for gaining control of and managing the global capitalist order
for their own benefit.  Globalists argue that while national governments are too small to
deal with global problems affecting their citizens such as global warming and the drugs
trade they are too big to deal with matters like recycling.  Thus in the UK, Whitehall
power is being eclipsed by bodies above it (the EU), below it (Scottish and Welsh
Assemblies) and bodies beside it (Held, ed.: p.130)

Transformationalists contest both accounts of political globalization.  They argue that
rather than ceding power as having to adjust to a new context in which decision making
and sovereignty is pooled with many other public and private agencies in parallel to the
nation state.  In the UK, this ‘powershift’ has expressed in the continuing disputes about
national sovereignty in relation to the EU and devolution (Held, ed.: pp, 148-51)

On economic globalization, it is generally accepted that international trade and forms of
financial activity (e.g. foreign direct investment (FDI), stock exchange transactions, etc.)
have increased significantly in the last three decades.  Globalists emphasise such
structures as multinational corporations (MNCs), transnational economy and the
emergence of a new global division of labour.  They argue that the ability of nation
states to control economic markets is steadily declining and in, for example, their
control is already minimal (Ritzer and Dean, 2015).

Transformationalists respond by arguing that within the economy there are few genuine
MNCs – most continue to be in their original national locations (e.g. Daimler in Germany
and Toyota in Japan).  They argue that it is regional blocs of nations as well as specific
nations – not MNCs- that engage in new forms of economic imperialism.  In addition
powerful conglomerations of them, for example G-20 etc., continue and regulate and
exert great control over the global economy (Ritzer and Dean: p.29).  States do take
action to deal with the negative effects of economic globalization e.g. French quotas on
US cultural products, US restrictions on steel imports in 2002 and Malaysia’s restrictions
on capital movement during the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 (Held, ed.: pp.105-07)

Internationalists argue that globalisation is no more than the strengthening of long
Term and deeply entrenched patterns of inequality between rich and poor regions and
countries.  International economic governance is still directed by the stronger and richer
States for their own benefit through global institutions established at the end of
World War Two and GATT.  Trade and investment is primarily regional, while
companies and consumer markets remain predominantly national; e.g. since 1985 the
US, Germany, Japan, the UK and France have been the home of almost 70% and host
of 55% of all FDI flows. (Held, ed., pp.110- 121)

Regarding culture, globalization sceptics reject the idea of a global popular culture
especially one dominated by the USA promoted by globalists.  They point to the
reassertion of national and regional cultural independence (e.g. the Italian slow cooking
movement as counterpoint to fast food culture), the growing nationalisation of the
Internet and, on a related point, the resurgence of xenophobic national and regional
Movements such as the French National Front and Legia Nord in Italy as evidence of
strong counter trends to a homogenous global popular culture (Ritzer and Dean: p.30)

Social constructivism provides an interesting fourth perspective on globalization. Constructivism is based on a social ontology which insists that human agents do
not exist independently from their social environment and its collectively shared systems of meaning or culture.  Human agency creates, reproduces and changes culture through our daily practices.  From a social constructivist viewpoint, there is very
little “given” about globalization.  For example, depriving anonymous market forces of human agency overlooks, for example, that the liberalization of capital markets occurred at certain points in time by concrete political decisions (e.g. deregulation of the London Stock Exchange in the “Big Bang” of 1986)).  Thus human agency is involved (Held &
McGrew: p.128).

Furthermore, social constructivists would likely contend that the concept of “globalization” itself constitutes a particular interpretation of a social reality
which itself being interpreted and reinterpreted by social agents.  In relation to one particular account of globalization, it is hard to recognize a worldview of American unipolar hegemony with globalization and inter-connectedness. (McGrew and Held
: p.129)

They use the concepts of communicative action developed by Jürgen Habermas and discursive practices as developed by Michel Foucault to examine the means by which power relationships are established and maintained to deconstruct received wisdom on globalization.  In other words, who is allowed to speak in a discursive arena, what is regarded as a sensible proposition and which meaning constructions become so dominant that they become taken for granted?  For example the all-pervasive neo-liberal discourse on globalization in the 1990s generated a counter-discourse from the so-called “anti-globalisation”, transnational social movements (which are actually constituted by the globalization process, only “globalization from below”. (McGrew and
Held: pp.131-32), Habermas and Foucault thus enable us to introduce transformative potential into the supposed inevitability of globalization (McGrew and Held: p.142).

In conclusion, this essay has argued that the story of the “Good State” given in ‘classical’ internationalism married to the insights of social constructivism offer the best analytical and normative accounts of globalization.  That the advent of the Internet and other forms of social media has made the globe more accessible to more people at least in the virtual sense is undeniable.  But the world has not been homogenized to the extent that globalists either welcome or decry and the capacity of states or groups of states acting in concert has very much survived in parallel to the multiple levels of governance that have emerged to deal with the contingencies of globalization.  The notions of agency advanced by social constructivism provide powerful tools to those who challenge “inevitability” narratives of globalization.

Ikenberry, G. J “Globalisation as American Hegemony” in Held, D. and McGrew, A. (eds.) (2007) Globalisation Theory.  Approaches and Controversies pp.41-61 Cambridge: Polity Press

Kelly, B. and Prokhovnik, R. “Economic Globalisation?  In Held, D. (ed.) (2004) A Globalising World? Culture, Economics, Politics pp.85-125 Second Edition London: Routledge

Lawler, P. (2005) The Good State: In Praise of ‘Classical’ Internationalism Review of International Studies 31: 427-449

McGrew, A “Power Shift: From National Government to Global Governance” in Held, D (ed.) (2004) A Globalising World? Culture, Economics, Politics pp.127-168 Second Edition London: Routledge

Ritzer, G and Dean, P (2015) Globalisation/ A Basic Text Second Edition Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Robertson, R, and White, K.E. “What is Globalisation?” in Ritzer, R. (Ed.) (2007) The Blackwell Companion to Globalisation Oxford: Blackwell Publishing


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