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  1. obviously you forgot the "beneficial works" works of you ancestor henchmen back then in the British Raj where the brits executed people by bounding them on a cannon's mouth.
    You should read Inglorious Empire What the British did to India By Shashi Tahroor. I presume that after your reading of this, you presumably will shamefully shut your mouth about alleged violations of human rights in Iran as you did in your comment about a Twitter message of Press TV concerning Joan Ryans loss of a vote. Look how shamefull you imperialists behave yourself by selling arms to the roguestates of israel and saoudi arabia. Arrogance and no memories are one of the specific characteristiscs of colonial fascists

    1. I condemn human rights abuses wherever they occur and no matter the perpetrator. Nor do I defend imperialism of any sort. From where did you get that impression?

  2. obviously you forgot the "beneficial works" works of you ancestor henchmen back then in the British Raj where the brits executed people by bounding them on a cannon's mouth.
    You should read Inglorious Empire What the British did to India By Shashi Tahroor. I presume that after your reading of this, you presumably will shamefully shut your mouth about alleged violations of human rights in Iran as you did in your comment about a Twitter message of Press TV concerning Joan Ryans loss of a vote. Look how shamefull you imperialists behave yourself by selling arms to the roguestates of israel and saoudi arabia. Arrogance and no memories are one of the specific characteristiscs of colonial fascists
